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Race horses and riders return from a morning training run on the Curragh Plains in Co Kildare during a cold spell in December. Eamonn Farrell/
The Daily Poll

Poll: Do you want to see snow next week?

Met Éireann advises that Tuesday ‘will be a cold day with the chance of any showers turning to sleet and snow on hills and mountains’.

TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED to drop below zero tonight as the weather turns colder for the coming days.

Met Éireann forecasts a period of chilly conditions over the weekend and into next week, though the skies are expected to stay mainly dry until Monday.

While the UK Met Office has issued a cold weather alert from the start of next week with a risk of snow and ice, Met Éireann is more cautious about the chance of snow. 

So ahead of an expected cold spell, we want to know: Would you like to see some snow next week?


Poll Results:

No, I can think of nothing worse (7074)
Yes, of course! (3005)
Yes, but only if there's lots (1861)
Don't know / Don't care (548)

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