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The Daily Poll

Poll: Have you ever bought anything because an 'influencer' posted about it?

Research from the advertising watchdog reveals only one in 10 people have trust in what influencers post on social media.

THE ADVERTISING STANDARDS Authority for Ireland (ASAI) is set to use artificial intelligence to ensure that influencers are not breaching advertising codes in social media posts.

Research carried out on behalf of the ASAI reveals that a lack of authenticity, edited photos, too many paid ads and influencers misrepresenting real life are the top things causing annoyance amongst Irish consumers.

The research also found that only one in 10 people have trust in what influencers post on social media.

So today, we want to know: Have you ever bought anything because an ‘influencer’ posted about it?

Poll Results:

No (4279)
I don't follow 'influencers'  (3556)
Yes (1326)
No, but I wouldn't rule it out (406)

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