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property news

This week's vital property news: Housing starts have increased by 46.5 per cent

Here’s a quick roundup of what you may have missed this week,

Sam Boal / Photocall Ireland Sam Boal / Photocall Ireland / Photocall Ireland

The Big Movers

Housing starts are on the rise again

In one of our Fact Checks this week, we investigated Minister Richard Bruton’s claims that the number of new private houses being started is increasing.

We found that when compared to 2015, the number of commencement notices in 2016 had risen by 46.5%, meaning that there has been significant growth in the number of new private houses being built.

Nama made an offer that could have helped the housing crisis – why was it rejected?

Although Nama reportedly offered 507 social housing units to a Dublin council, it only took 65. One councillor said: “The government policy doesn’t allow for an overconcentration of social housing; and then the council had to get the money to buy the housing. When they went to get the money, they could only get enough for 65 units.”

John Gilligan’s multiple properties will be sold by the Criminal Assets Bureau

A Supreme Court ruling this week paved the way for additional selling of convicted criminal John Gilligan’s properties. These include three more of his former houses: a house in Lucan, a house in Corduff and a house in Jessbrook.

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Under Construction

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She may not be the much-loved public figure she once was these days, but Taylor Swift’s stylish home in Beverly Hills is still one we would love to own. Have a wander through it with Vogue in the video below.

Vogue / YouTube