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Met Éireann issues Status Yellow thunderstorm warning for all of Leinster

Highest temperatures will be around 13 to 16 degrees today.


HEAVY RAIN AND thunder are expected over the east of Ireland this afternoon.

Met Éireann has issued a Status Yellow thunderstorm warning for all of Leinster that took effect before 2pm and is due to last until 8pm.

The forecaster is warning of a moderate chance of isolated thunderstorms with possible impacts including localised flooding, poor visibility, and difficult driving conditions.

A small craft warning is also in place off the south west coast from Hook Head to Mizen Head to Slyne Head from 3pm today until 9am tomorrow morning.

Across the Irish sea, the UK’s Met Office has issued a Yellow thunderstorm warning for most of England.

Met Éireann’s national forecast spells showers with with a chance of lightening and spot flooding, especially over Leinster.

Highest temperatures will be around 13 to 16 degrees today, with light to moderate west to southwest breezes.

The scattered heavy showers are expected to die out tonight to bring some clear spells for a time.

However, outbreaks of rain and drizzle will develop in the southwest and west, Met Éireann says, and spread across most of Munster and Connacht overnight, with lowest temperatures of 5 to 9 degrees.

Tomorrow morning is set to be mostly cloudy with patchy rain, drizzle and mist.

It should brighten up tomorrow afternoon with some sunny spells and scattered showers and highest temperatures of 14 to 17 degrees.

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