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# renters

All time
Rent Supplement payments rise by 33% since beginning of Covid-19 pandemic
'They are not living extravagant lives': 1 in 3 renters in debt struggling to meet repayments, think-tank says
'Rent controls are working': Housing minister believes rate of rising rents will moderate
Sinn Féin wants to give a tax break to all renters at a cost of €279 million
Sex for rent: Coppinger tells Dáil of Rathmines landlord who propositioned tenant
Rent register might show average rent paid on each street rather than individual properties
Worse off than their parents? The growing generation of private renters
Tony Fahey
Opinion: Twelve simple steps to tackle our housing crisis
Victor Duggan
Spoof ad perfectly sums up the Dublin housing market
"I would never buy a property again," says Government's top housing adviser. "I rent"
Poll: Do you think rents in Dublin should be capped?
Poll: Should renters be liable for the property tax?