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The Candidate: Don't know who to vote for in Midlands North West? This might help

It’s the latest constituency to be profiled by the new season of The Candidate podcast, helping to make sense of the European elections and giving you a comprehensive view of the big issues and the candidates in each area.

MIDLANDS-NORTH-WEST IS THE largest of Ireland’s three European constituencies. 27 candidates are vying for five seats, hoping to win the votes of people across 11 counties.

It’s a diverse area where would-be MEPs have to field a wide range of issues on the doorsteps, and is a crucial battleground to win the agricultural vote.

It’s the latest constituency to be profiled by the new season of The Candidate podcast, helping to make sense of the European elections and giving you a comprehensive view of the big issues and the candidates in each area. Political Editor Christina Finn examines how this election could unfold in Midlands-North-West with Johnny Fallon, political commentator and strategy director with Carr Communications; Stella Meehan, editor of; Jane Matthews, Political Reporter with The Journal, and Muiris O’Cearbhaill, reporter with The Journal.

The Candidate / SoundCloud

This episode was presented by Christina Finn and produced by Nicky Ryan and Sinéad O’Carroll.

This work is co-funded by Journal Media and a grant programme from the European Parliament. Any opinions or conclusions expressed in this work are the author’s own. The European Parliament has no involvement in nor responsibility for the editorial content published by the project. For more information, see here.

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