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4 of a kind

4 of a kind: Move-in ready homes that won't need lengthy renovations

Not open to a fixer-upper? There’s (hopefully) no need with these four properties.

NOT EVERYONE IS game for purchasing a home that needs fixing up before even moving belongings in. 

If your property search has you narrowing in on homes that are move-in ready and require no updating, here are four of those for you today. 

From a four-bedroom spot in Co Meath, to a north Dublin property with lofted ceilings and lots of light, you could pack your bag and move into any one of these four properties straight away.

Ashbourne, Co Meath – €355,000

This four-bedroom, three-bathroom semi-detached home on the Dublin side of Ashbourne, Co Meath, is set on a cul de sac in a small development of only 12 houses. With high quality finishing elements, like granite countertops and hardwood doors, this home is built to last — and to be low-maintenance long in the future. 

Double doors lead from the sitting room, which benefits from extra light through a bay window, to the kitchen and dining area. Patio doors lead to the back garden, where you’ll find a garden shed that is included in the sale. The front garden has a cobble lock driveway for convenient off-street parking. 

NGQzOGVlZTY0YTA3Mzg3NDI3MzI1Y2Q5NWZiNGJiNzKkW-TTCFwax6HQPd0CWzRNaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvOC9kLzhkY2Y4ZTRhNzE5ZGMwNjQ5MTdmOTk0OTRiZWNmODViLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft Daft

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Ennis, Co Clare – €399,000

Cappagh Lodge is a four-bedroom, three-bathroom home in Ennis. It’s just two kilometres from Barefield Village, which has a thriving Tidy Town Association that has clearly rubbed off on the current owners of the property. The exterior and lawn is beautifully kept, and the interior is in similar condition, ready for new occupants.  

The ground floor of this home has a reception room as well as an open-plan kitchen/living/dining room that leads into a sunroom. Also on the ground floor, you’ll find a bedroom and shower room. Three bedrooms are on the upper floor, one of which is en suite, as well as two attic rooms on the top floor that would be perfect for a playroom or office space.

OGRiMWFjMTVhMmJjMWQ2NTExZWY3ZTNjZjY3YmY2NjhFXql0VcGp44OZI0IjlFT2aHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvNS8wLzUwYzMwMGI1YjlkMmY4ZTE5MTA4M2QwNTJkNDdkN2YyLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft Daft

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Midleton, Co Cork – €490,000

In Midleton, Co Cork, you’ll find a six-bedroom, five-bathroom detached home with exterior stone details that’s ready for new owners. To say the house is spacious is an understatement, as it counts 2800 square feet of space and sits on an acre of land. The main living space has an antique feature fireplace, and there is a sixth bedroom on the ground floor. 

Midleton village is just a two-minute walk away, so you’ll have easy access to the local pub, shop and church. It’s only a quick jaunt into Cork city and its restaurants, shopping areas and nightlife. 

N2QyY2U0ZDRlNGVjYmFjNzE0MjI3OWFkMDA0NDA3YzK6yiRTADdSRVrBwFaYFK_KaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvNi8wLzYwYjgwYmU2YjFhZjkwZDhhZTllZThmN2IzZTY1ODZkLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft Daft

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Malahide, Co Dublin – €1,200,000

Finally, if your budget can stretch this far, you’ll find a two-bedroom, four-bathroom detached home with two attic rooms and an art studio in the sought-after Ard na Mara estate in Malahide. This property is just a quick stroll from the gates of Malahide Castle and the local train station, offering the perfect combination of village life and seclusion in your own retreat. 

The home has been extended to include a ground floor master suite, as well as a second bedroom and utility room. The property also has extensive decking and patio areas, as well as two separate entrances and mature plantings.

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More 4 of a kind: Seaside homes with breathtaking views

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