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The 5 at 5 Five minutes, five stories, five o’clock…


EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING, The Journal brings you five of the biggest news stories of the day so far.

1. #PALESTINE Ireland is to officially recognise the State of Palestine, in a move that has drawn upset from Israel and garnered global media attention.

2. #RISHI GOES TO THE POLLS UK prime minister Rishi Sunak is expected to call a general election for 4 July, the country’s outlets are reporting.

3. #DONALDSON Former DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson, who is facing a series of historical sex offence charges, will not contest the general election, his solicitor has confirmed.

4. #HOUSING Here are the five main takeaways from the bombshell Housing Commission report leaked yesterday.

5. #AVIVA A no-drone zone is in operation over parts of Dublin ahead of the UEFA Europa League final in the Aviva Stadium.

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