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Gardaí seize €50k worth of counterfeit designer and sports clothing at Fairyhouse Market

Gardaí seized goods being sold which were priced at the market in excess of €50,000.

GARDAÍ HAVE SEIZED counterfeit goods worth an estimated €50,000 during an operation in Fairyhouse Market, Meath.

The operation was carried out by gardaí from the Meath division, supported by Revenue’s Customs Officers.

With the assistance of brand agents representing 20 different companies, gardaí identified a number of stalls dealing in alleged counterfeit goods.

Gardaí seized goods being sold which were priced at the market in excess of €50,000 and which would have a value if genuine of in excess of €300,000.

The seizure included large amounts of sports clothing, designer handbags, watches, designer clothing and designer accessories.

The branded goods seized were counterfeit or copies of the following brands: Adidas, Nike, Calvin Klein, Ted Baker, North Face, Hollister, Canada Goose, Moncler, Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, Abercrombie and Fitch, Under Armour, Superdry, Hugo Boss, and Rolex.

No arrests were made during the operation.

A file is currently being prepared at Ashbourne District for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

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