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The 5 at 5 Five minutes, five stories, five o’clock.

EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING, brings you the five biggest stories of the day.

1. #NO GO: Minister for Health Simon Harris has said that restrictions on public movement currently in place “are not going to be lifted tomorrow”.

2. #EMERGENCY COVER: A number of doctors will be sent from Dublin to Cavan General Hospital after an outbreak of the coronavirus among staff members increased pressure on the latter facility.

3. #LIQUIDATION: Retailer Debenhams has told its staff that the company will not be reopening its 11 Irish stores after the Covid-19 emergency.

4. #RIP: Tributes have been paid to children’s rights activist and the first chair of the Child and Family Agency, Norah Gibbons, whose death was announced today.

5. #EU CONTROVERSY: Italy’s prime minister Guiseppe Conte has warned that the EU could fail as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, as the country finds itself at the centre of a row over how the bloc should help countries affected by the crisis.

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