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A fan dressed as Darth Vader on St. Finian's Bay, Kerry, overlooking the Skellig Islands during the May the 4th Festival in Portmagee last year. PA
may the 4th be with you

Quiz: Can you recognise these Star Wars characters?

Make sure you do the quiz… solo.

STAR WARS – HAVE you heard of it? Today is a perfect day to test your knowledge of the unstoppable franchise, it being 4 May. 

Or, as it’s more commonly known among science fiction fans, Star Wars Day (may the fourth be with you and all that). 

You might have watched all the films – and the spin-offs – but how well do you remember and recognise all the characters? Test your knowledge of the cast of heroes, monsters and villains that populate the Star Wars universe. 

Who is this character?
Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker

Emperor Zurg
Mr Vader
And this? (There could be more than one right answer)
Brendan Solo
Ben Solo

Kylo Ren
Kylo Wren
Who is this?
Pan Amidala
Pamela Amidala

Pauline Amidala
Padmé Amidala
And this controversial character...
Jar Jar Binks
Jar Jar Blinks

Jabba the Hut
Admiral Ackbar
Do you know the man behind the mask?
Jango Fett
Boba Fett

Jengo Fett
Bobba Feta
And this familiar face?
Que-Gone Jinn

Queen-Gone Gin
Qui-Gon Jinn
Who is this?
San Tekka
Owen Lars

Garven Dreis
This character met a sad end....

This nasty fella?
Oran Krebs
Orson Cedric

Orson Krenn
Orson Krennic
And finally, this pilot?
Strackman Lux
Jack 'Tico' Rose

Temmin 'Snap' Wexley
Wedge 'Crack' Antilles
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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