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The 9 at 9 Here’s what’s making headlines this morning.

LAST UPDATE | 23 Sep 2020

EVERY MORNING, brings you all the news you need to know as you start the day.

1. #HAP: A Fine Gael councillor has been found in breach of the Local Government Act’s Code of Conduct after he requested that a HAP tenant be moved from a property he was trying to sell while acting as an estate agent. 

2. #DUBLIN: Public health experts have indicated that NPHET is unlikely to make any decision regarding possible additional restrictions for Dublin until later this week. 

3. #PADDY’S DAY: Taoiseach Micheál Martin has signalled that he is keen to make the trip to the White House next March for the annual St Patrick’s Day events. 

4. #HIGH EARNERS: Ireland’s high earners are likely to feel more insecure than those in Sweden, the UK and Spain with 28% saying they had “difficulty” making ends meet, according to a new study. 

5. #TRUMP: US President Donald Trump has said he will announce his pick on Saturday for the crucial Supreme Court seat left open by the death of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

6. #WHALES: More pilot whales have been found stranded on an Australian coast, raising the total to almost 500 in the largest mass stranding ever recorded in the island state of Tasmania.

7. #TESLA: Tesla’s Elon Musk has unveiled new battery technology that will see more affordable cars that can travel dramatically longer distances on a single charge.

8. #DUP: Northern Ireland could become Europe’s “pawn” if the Northern Ireland protocol is introduced, a senior Democratic Unionist has said.

9. #PUBS: Pubs in Northern Ireland that don’t serve food can reopen today for the first time since March.

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