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The 5 at 5 Five minutes, five stories, five o’clock…

EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING, The Journal brings you the five biggest stories of the day.

1. #HOMES The Cabinet has approved the new Affordable Housing Bill, aspects of which – including its shared equity scheme for first-time buyers – have been criticised.

2. #VACCINES The vaccine registration portal has opened on a phased basis to people aged between 50 and 59 from today.

3. #BELFAST Two former paratroopers accused of the murder of an Official IRA member have been acquitted.

4. #POLITICS Dublin Lord Mayor and Green Party councillor Hazel Chu has said she will announce her intentions regarding the Dublin Bay South by-election in the coming days.

5. #WELFARE The number of people receiving the Pandemic Unemployment Payment this week is lower than 400,000 for the first time this year.

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