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The 5 at 5 Five minutes, five stories, five o’clock…

EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING, The Journal brings you the five biggest stories of the day.

1. #COP26: Ireland “accepts” the obligation for richer countries to support nations most acutely impacted by climate change, the Taoiseach has said in his national statement to the COP26 summit. 

2. #PAY STUDENT NURSES: Around 200 people gathered outside Leinster House in support of better pay and conditions for student nurses.

3. #IRISH CATTLE: The Taoiseach said the country’s cattle population should “remain stable” after Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue said that cattle could be slaughtered earlier in their lifespan to help achieve a reduction in methane emissions.

4. #LONDON: Two Met police officers have pleaded guilty to sharing photos of the bodies of two murdered sisters on WhatsApp.

5. #MEDIA: A levy on streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime should be introduced to fund independent Irish productions, a Dáil committee has recommended.

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