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The 5 at 5 Five minutes, five stories, five o’clock…

EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING, The Journal brings you the five biggest stories of the day.

1. #REOPENING: The Taoiseach said he expects to be in a position to give a “clear and comprehensive” statement on the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions tomorrow evening. 

2. #MENTAL HEALTH: The father of three children killed by their mother has begun legal proceedings in the High Court against the HSE and a healthcare facility where she was treated before their deaths.

3. #BENEDICT: Former Pope Benedict XVI has been heavily incriminated in a new report on the handling of child sex abuse in the Catholic Church in Munich.

4. #UKRAINE: Russia accused the West of plotting “provocations” in Ukraine and disguising its alleged intentions by fomenting concerns about Moscow planning aggressive military action in the neighbouring country.

5. #BONUS: The €1,000 tax-free bonus for public sector healthcare workers will be paid in February or March, according to the Tánaiste Leo Varadkar.

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