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# Competition

All time
WATCH: NFL fans wanted free tickets so badly they dug through manure for them
WIN: Tickets to special preview of The Ides of March
New bands can win Windmill Lane recording session
Bruton publishes new legislation aimed at tackling white-collar crime
WIN: Tickets to the National Concert Hall
WIN: Tickets to this weekend's Irish Craft Beer fest
Charity begins at... the Rugby World Cup
WIN: Tickets to ABSOLUT Fringe shows... tonight
WIN: Tickets to ABSOLUT Fringe shows… tonight
WIN: Tickets to ABSOLUT Fringe shows tonight
WIN: Tickets to Guests of the Nation at the NCH
Next stop, Ellen? Dublin Rose gets some love from Perez Hilton
Tweet hunt: Win tickets to Electric Picnic
WIN: tickets to Sunday's Irish Open action
WIN: Tickets to see Nigel Kennedy at sold-out gig
Ukranian women go topless to protest NZ radio competition
Junior Inventor Awards 2011 launched
Kildare Student wins European 'young translators' contest
Win a signed All Stars jersey
Winners of photography competition announced