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Election 2020


Green Party


Dublin North-West





Conroy was first elected to Dublin City Council in May 2019. She has worked Irish and multinational companies and is an active member of the community. She is the chairperson of her children's secondary school and the local residents' group. She has a degree in business.

Question Time


Why should someone vote for you?

I will be a strong and dedicated voice in the Dáil, part of a green team that will work hard to meet the major challenges Ireland faces, not least on climate, housing and transforming Ireland to a fairer and more equal society.


What is your number one priority for your constituency?

People in Dublin North-West desperately need to be able to get around easier, and that means transforming our transport system by investing in first class public transport, including getting the Metro finished without further delays and extending the Luas to Finglas.


What one thing would you like to do in your first 100 days of the new Dáil if you are elected?

I would inject much greater urgency into our efforts to address the biggest crises - climate and housing - and publish clear and ambitious plans to address these, making Ireland a leader on the just transition to a low-carbon economy, developing cost rental homes and ramping up house building.

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