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All time
Here's how Ireland is tackling violence against females during conflict
Brilliant ad redefines what 'like a girl' means, and everyone should watch it
'They wouldn't let girls like me box when I was younger,' says new Irish world champion
Jack and Emily remain top dogs but celebrity babies make their mark
Boko Haram kill one Chinese worker and kidnap 10 others in Cameroon
Dublin rally to 'bring back our girls' missing in Nigeria
HBO understands how annoying it is to watch TV with your parents
36 ways to cheat your way through any TV conversation
Column: Today let's celebrate, recognise, and show solidarity with the women and girls
Bernadette Crawford
"State of shock": Parents protest over amalgamation of North Mon school
Two teenage girls arrested in relation to Limerick house fire
Young people believe alcohol facilitates the majority of 'sexual hook ups'
Michael Fassbender (and his beard) for new Star Wars film?
WATCH: Ventriloquist and his puppet have more game with women than any other player
Beastie Boys 'Girls' taken off viral video after objection
The absolute worst things about having girl hair
The Girls season 3 trailer is here!
This ad wants little girls to dream of being engineers - not princesses
Surprises in hunt for environmental links to breast cancer
Obesity linked to early onset of puberty in girls
Women and children 14 times more likely to die during disasters
Man remanded in custody over alleged sexual assault of two girls in Athlone
Saturday Night Live's GIRLS parody is spot on
Police in China probe deaths of two children in washing machine
Girls season 3 has a teaser trailer
Malala Yousafzai to visit Ireland next week
Column: They shot her at point blank range in the head – but it made her stronger
Kelley Farrell
Let’s bring an end to ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ toys, say parents
Girl Guides in Britain scrap oath to God (but keep the queen)
"Who's Ur Wan?"creator says they're not breaking any rules
Worried you aren't girly enough? Tumblr is here to help.
What will the cast of Girls be up to in 30 years time?
How have the Kardashians influenced Ireland's top baby names?
Boys ditch homework and mitch school (but still better at maths than girls)
Column: 11 ways to handle your child's first teen disco
Sheila O'Malley
Column: Can Hollywood produce a female lead who's interesting in her own right?
Darren Mooney
5 Hollywood franchises that could do with Chris O'Dowd
Tumblr of the day: Girls Love Superheroes
VIDEO: Will Smith raps the Fresh Prince theme... to some schoolgirls
9 reasons why teen magazines for girls ruled