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Jennifer Zamparelli RTÉ
2FM Exodus

Jennifer Zamparelli to leave RTÉ 2FM after more than a decade with the station

Doireann Garrihy and The 2 Johnnies have also announced recently that they are to leave the station.


JENNIFER ZAMPARELLI IS to leave RTÉ 2FM after more than ten years with the station.

She joined RTÉ 2Fm in 2014 on the station’s Breakfast Republic and has been presenting her own weekday show, The Jen Zamparelli Show, since 2019.

In a statement today, Zamparelli said “now it’s time for me to move on”.

She said it’s been a “really difficult decision to make” but remarked that since joining the station, she has “gotten married and had two kids and now I feel it’s their time”.

“Florence and Enzo are growing up so fast it’s scary,” said Zamparelli, “and I really feel now is the time to give them a little more of me, so I won’t be returning to my daily radio show.”

Head of RTÉ 2FM Dan Healy described Zamparelli as “funny, bold, and brave” and added that she was “key” to helping the station appeal to younger audiences.

Zamparelli is the latest big name to announce that they will leave the station in recent weeks, after Doireann Garrihy and the Two Johnnies.

Garrihy will depart the station at the end of the month, while The 2 Johnnies will also host their final show next Friday.

Garrihy has been at 2FM for five years, while The 2 Johnnies will end their Drive It radio show after two-and-a-half years with the station. 

RTÉ 2FM said it will announce further details on its summer schedule in the coming weeks.

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