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rocky patch

Anti-gay marriage clerk released from jail, annoys Eye of the Tiger writer

Kim Davis’ fourth husband was present at the rally.

davis Kim Davis PA PA

THE US COUNTY clerk sent to jail in Kentucky for refusing to issue marriage licences to gay couples praised God and thanked her supporters after a judge ordered her release.

Kim Davis, a born-again Christian, was jailed last week for contempt of court after refusing to issue licences due to her opposition to same-sex marriage, which the Supreme Court legalised across the US in June.

Davis (49) has argued that she should be exempt from following the law because of her religious beliefs. She has become a heroine for millions of Americans and rekindled a thorny debate about gay marriage.

Davis was overcome with emotion as she climbed onto a flatbed truck to address the large crowd of supporters gathered outside the Kentucky jail to greet her, the sound of Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger drowning out their cheers.

“I just want to give God the glory,” she said, after thanking those at the rally.

“We serve a living God who knows exactly where each and every one of us is at. Just keep on pressing. Don’t let down because he is here. He’s worthy.”

davis crowd PA PA

Her fourth husband was present at the rally.

Supporters waved white crosses and signs declaring “Religious Freedom” and “Courts Don’t Make Laws”.

The federal judge who ordered Davis held on contempt charges ruled that she could be released because five of the six deputy clerks in Rowan County “stated under oath that they would comply with the Court’s Order and issue marriage certificates to all legally eligible couples”.

Davis was ordered not to “interfere in any way, directly or indirectly” with the issuance of marriage certificates, Judge David Bunning wrote, warning of “appropriate sanctions” should she do so.

Eye of the Tiger

The songwriter behind Eye of the Tiger protested said he did not approve of Davis using the 1982 hit.

Frankie Sullivan, the guitarist and main songwriter from Chicago band Survivor, said she did not have permission to use the song.

davis husband Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee with Davis. PA PA

“I would not grant her the rights to use Charmin!” Sullivan wrote on Facebook, referring to a brand of toilet paper.

He also complained about presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s appearance at yesterday’s rally with Davis, saying that the former Arkansas governor should “do better” than frontrunner contender Donald Trump, a blunt-spoken billionaire.

Read: Joyous scenes – and insults – as gay couples get marriage licences

Read: Clerk jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licences

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