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lucan lodge

Families say closing Dublin nursing home will cause 'immense trauma' to residents

Last Friday, Hiqa cancelled the nursing home’s registration under section 51 of the Health Act 2007.

FAMILIES OF RESIDENTS of a south Dublin nursing home will hold a protest tomorrow against people being moved from the home after its registration was cancelled.

Lucan Lodge is a residential nursing home located in Lucan, south Dublin. It has 74 beds and is near to full capacity.

The nursing home was operated by Passage Healthcare International (Ireland).

Documents filed with the Companies Registration Office on 26 March show that the company has gone into receivership.

Last Friday, Hiqa, the health quality authority, cancelled the nursing home’s registration under section 51 of the Health Act 2007. This effectively meant that the private operator of the nursing home could no longer provide care services.

“Upon receipt of cancellation of the registration, HSE has responsibility under section 64 of the Health Act 2007, to make alternative arrangements for the residents of the designated centre,” the HSE said in relation to Lucan Lodge.

“Pending such alternative arrangements, the HSE is required to take charge of the designated centre, as if it were the Registered Provider and may carry on its business pending alternative arrangements being made.

HSE took charge of Lucan Lodge Nursing Home on the 17th May 2024 and the HSE is currently engaged with residents, their families and the staff at the facility.

However, families of the residents say that they do not want them to move. A campaign group – Care Champions – has been set up, and a protest will be held tomorrow morning outside the nursing home.

“Lucan Lodge is home to our loved ones. Forcing them to relocate at this stage in their lives would cause immense emotional and physical trauma, especially for those requiring significant support and nearing the end of life,” the group said in a statement.

The group says that families are happy with the level of care provided to their loved ones at Lucan Lodge and want the HSE to take over the lease of the building so that it can continue to operate.

Speaking to TheJournal, Jackie Giltrap – whose mother Maura Magee (84) is living in Lucan Lodge – said any move would be very disruptive for her and other residents.

“The staff here are amazing. These staff genuinely care for people,” she said.

Sally Park Nursing Home in Firhouse was operated by the same company and closed down earlier this year, following a critical report from Hiqa.

A Hiqa inspection at Lucan Lodge in September last year found non-compliance in a number of areas, particularly around fire safety. However, Giltrap said that the reason the registration had been cancelled was because the company operating it had gone into receivership. 

The HSE said it is “very conscious that this is a very difficult time for residents, families and the staff and will continue to work with all of the relevant stakeholders during this time”.

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