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# Luke Flanagan

Last month
June 2024
‘Big potential for a recount’ in Midlands-North-West, according to Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan
This year
Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan doubles down on statement calling An Garda Síochána ‘rotten to the core’
How the 'cold, calculated' hack of Flanagan's account was designed to damage his reputation
European Parliament backs call for 'improved' mica scheme
European Parliament report says mica redress scheme needs to be improved and red tape reduced
All time
'Like he slept in his clothes for a week' - no punches pulled in Dáil dress code complaints
Poll: Do you think the EU is good for Ireland?
Fine Gael MEPs have been compared to fascists
Remember when Ming asked for an aircraft carrier? He's told us why
Ming is on a 'bad list' with a Nazi supporter ... and he's not impressed
Ever heard of Ervia? That's what Bord Gáis Eireann is now called
'Dissent is not disloyalty': Commissioner reacts to new whisteblower allegations
Dáil rejects Luke 'Ming' Flanagan's cannabis regulation motion
Fine Gael TD open to Portuguese model of cannabis decriminalisation
6 things we learned from Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan’s Cannabis Regulation Bill
Over €46,000 spent on surveillance of bogs for illegal turf cutting this year
Six pro-choice TDs will vote against the abortion bill tonight
Top readers' comments of the week
Luke 'Ming' Flanagan to 'tell all' about wiping of penalty points from his licence
TDs call for public inquiry over quashed penalty points
11 things we learned from the new Registers of Members’ Interests
Video: 2011 - the year in gaffes
Poll: Should Luke 'Ming' Flanagan be growing cannabis?