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Ennis District Court (file photo) Alamy Stock Photo

Four men arrested after violent disorder incident in Ennis where car was rammed

A vehicle was rammed and a group of males with weapons were involved in an altercation on Monday.

FOUR MEN HAVE been arrested by gardaí investigating an incident of violent disorder in county Clare on Monday.

At approximately 3.10pm on 20 May, gardaí received a report of a vehicle being rammed and a group of males with weapons being involved in an altercation on the Watery Road in Ennis.

Gardaí attended the scene and an investigation commenced. No serious injuries were reported.

Yesterday morning, a search and arrest operation was conducted in Ennis with the assistance of the Garda Armed Support Unit.

During the course of this operation, a number of items of evidential value were seized.

Four men were also arrested and detained at garda stations in Clare under the provisions of section four of the Criminal Justice Act 1984.

Two of the men, aged in their late teens and 20s,  have since been charged and are expected to appear before Ennis District Court this morning.

The other two men, aged in their 20s and 50s, are still being detained.

Investigations are ongoing.

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