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The 9 at 9 Here’s all the news you need to know as you start your day.



Here’s all the news you need to know as you start your day.

1. State of Palestine

The Irish government has formally recognised the State of Palestine this morning.

Taoiseach Simon Harris described it as a “historic and important day” for Ireland and for Palestine.

2. Aid suspended

The United Nations suspended all deliveries of food to the southern Gaza city of Rafah due to Israel’s ongoing military operation and a lack of supplies and security.

UNRWA’s distribution centre and the World Food Program’s warehouse are now inaccessible due to Israel’s ongoing military operations in eastern Rafah, the agency said.

3. Health workers

TDs and senators will be told today that it is “almost impossible” for doctors to deliver safe care in a timely manner in the public health service because of a lack of investment. 

Representatives from the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO), which represents doctors in Ireland, will appear before the Oireachtas health committee this morning to discuss the employment of consultants and doctors in public hospitals. 

4. Cockfighting

A bloodsport outlawed almost 200 years ago has seen an underground resurgence in Ireland, Noteworthy can reveal.

Cruel cockfighting – where roosters are placed in a ring to fight until one is seriously injured or killed – is taking place in secret duels up and down the country, with a significant number of younger men involved in the illegal matches.

Footage obtained by Noteworthy shows some of the brutal battles being held in backyards, as well as purpose built ‘cockpits’ where some birds fight until collapse. 

5. Man accused of foreign interference found dead in UK

A former member of the UK’s Royal Marines, accused of assisting the Hong Kong intelligence service, has died in unexplained circumstances.

Matthew Trickett, 37, an immigration enforcement officer and private investigator from Maidenhead, Berkshire, was also accused of foreign interference and had appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court with two other people last week.

Thames Valley Police (TVP) said Trickett was found dead in Grenfell Park, Maidenhead, at around 5.15pm on Sunday after a report from a member of the public. 

6. Housing shortage

Opposition members slammed the government yesterday over revelations from a leaked Housing Commission report that estimates the housing deficit in Ireland is up to 256,000 homes.

RTÉ revealed leaked extracts from the report which states that “radical strategic reset of housing policy. The commission points to “ineffective decision making and reactive policy making where risk aversion dominates”.

7. New Caledonia

Australia and New Zealand are evacuating their citizens from the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia amid major unrest that has seen six people killed.

The Australian military has flown 115 passengers out on two flights from and a French government flight is expected to evacuate another 100 stranded passengers today.

Six people have been killed, including two police officers, and hundreds have been injured during recent armed clashes, looting and arson in New Caledonia. 

8. Bin day

The Labour Party is bringing a private members motion to the Seanad today calling for the re-municipalisation of waste collection as a public service. 

Currently, Ireland has a privatised waste collection system with a small number of large operators. 

The Labour motion notes that in many urban areas, there is significant competition for the market which means that in some areas, multiple bin lorries from competing companies will travel the same streets.

9. Murder investigation

Two more men have been arrested as part of an investigation into the murder of Lee Slattery, whose body was found at the Delmege House estate near Moyross, Limerick in 2010.

Both men were arrested yesterday evening and are detained at garda stations in the Limerick Division. 

On Monday, three people – a woman in her 30s, as well as two men in their 30s and 40s – were also arrested in connection with the murder.

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