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# The Lancet

This month
July 2024
Gaza death toll could reach 186,000, according to correspondence published in The Lancet
This year
Prostate cancer cases to double worldwide by 2040, new research suggests
Medical experts warn of 'overmedicalisation' of menopause, suggesting a new approach
Last year
First of its kind AI-supported mammography screening trial detects 20% more cancers
Net-zero climate policies will save lives by improving health, study finds
All time
Global Covid death toll ‘may be more than three times higher than recorded’
Depression a 'neglected global health crisis' despite impacting one in 20 people each year - study
Experts warn of increasing over-medicalisation of death, call for rethink on end-of-life care
Trials of new obesity drug found it can result in weight loss of two stone in six months
Cervarix HPV vaccine can cut cervical cancer rates by almost 90%, new study says
Larger risk of hospitalisation in people with Delta variant - study
Experts criticise ‘unethical' plan to lift Covid rules in England at 'most dangerous period of the pandemic'
Wuhan study finds 40% of people with Covid were protected against future infection for at least nine months
Covid-19 reinfections are rare, but more common in people 65 and older, study finds
Russia's Sputnik V vaccine is 91.6% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 - study
Climate change means future pandemics are more likely
China's Covid-19 vaccine candidate is safe and prompts antibody response - early results from study
First Covid-19 reinfection in US confirmed by researchers
Russian Covid-19 vaccine shows 'no serious adverse affects' in preliminary study
Very low risk of students and teachers transmitting Covid-19 at school, Australian study suggests
Mothers 'unlikely' to pass Covid-19 on to newborn babies via breastfeeding if precautions are taken
3,500 potentially avoidable cancer deaths could happen in England due to pandemic delays
Coronavirus: Vaccine found to be 'safe and induces an immune reaction' in early stages of UK trial
Physical distancing may have long-term impact on teenagers' relationships
'Much lower risk' of Covid-19 spreading beyond one metre - study
Medical journal refutes Trump claim it published reports about earlier spread of Covid-19 in China
Major study of Covid-19 cases in China finds lower death rate than previous estimates
Single dose of psychoactive component in cannabis could induce depressive and anxiety symptoms, study finds
Sepsis linked to 11m deaths worldwide - double what was previously thought
People in richer countries more likely to die from cancer, says new study
Menopausal hormone therapies linked to increase in breast cancer risk - study
First-ever chlamydia vaccine trial offers hope of treating infection 'epidemic'
Resistant strains of malaria spreading across south-east Asia
Arm function restored to paralysed patients as part of groundbreaking Australian study
Increase in colon cancer among younger adults in several countries including Ireland
Over 80% of Irish adults drink alcohol, and the rate is set to increase
'End of HIV pandemic' in sight after medicine makes virus 'untransmittable' between sexual partners
New study makes strong link between use of potent cannabis and psychosis
Red meat and sugar consumption must halve by 2050 to save planet, scientists warn
'Migrants are vital to the wellbeing of society': Study finds common myths about immigrants are false