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# Torture

All time
Amal Clooney is joining the Hooded Men's legal team
This Staffie dog was hogtied and cooked alive over a fire at The Curragh
Opinion: What my years as a military defence lawyer in Guantánamo forced me to see
Jason D. Wright
'I'm not a doctor but...': Ex-CIA chief defends rectal rehydration of inmates
UN official calls for Bush and Cheney to be charged with torture
Tortured: ‘They called a doctor to check if they could continue without killing me’
Josefina Salomon
Department of Foreign Affairs: Shannon Airport was not used to facilitate torture
Opinion: If the USA practises torture, then so could any other country
Kirsten Roberts
Column: Syria is the humanitarian tragedy of our generation, yet most people just shrug their shoulders
Barry Andrews
Khmer Rouge leaders found guilty of crimes against humanity
Obama: US "tortured some folks" after 9/11, but critics should not be "too sanctimonious"
Poland found to be complicit in US torture programme
Opinion: Once again, we've heard a depressingly familiar tune from Ireland on human rights
Kirsten Roberts
Opinion: Torture? It's an unnecessary evil
Emily Nevins
Column: Five torture myths debunked
Josefina Salomon
Amnesty International apologises to Iggy Pop over 'Justin Bieber' ad
RTÉ documentary reveals evidence about torture methods used in Northern Ireland’s past
Torture is a 'global crisis' - but more than a third of people think it can be justified
Opinion: We fought the law but the law won – labelled 'foreign agents' in our own country
Stefania Kulaeva
The CIA 'misled' the public over harshness of torture regime
UN declares North Korea's crimes on par with Nazism, apartheid and Khmer Rouge
Column: There's a viral spread of increasingly restrictive laws curtailing human rights
Mary Lawlor
Symphysiotomy victims tell the UN about cruel and barbaric childbirth operations
Those guilty of torture in Ukraine must be held to account, says Gilmore
Police spin secret 'torture roulette' wheel to choose punishment for inmates
'Only the chief of the battalion knew I was a girl': Meet Ola, the Syrian rebel
Both sides in the same room for Syrian peace talks in Geneva today
War crimes report accuses Syria of torture and 11,000 executions
Britain rejects Iraq torture claims
UN anti-torture body questions Ireland's record on abortion and Magdalenes
Doctors and nurses 'complicit' in US torture of terrorism suspects
Jamie Bulger killer released from prison
Over 40 Auschwitz guards to face German prosecutors
Court hears horrific details of Dutch woman raped 60 times over six weeks
Column: "They put a gun to my head and told me to shut up or they would blow it off"
PHOTOS: Chilean torture centre converted into homeless shelter
UK: Approved extradition deal will see radical cleric surrendered after 20 year fight
Processes to handle Northern Ireland legacy issues not 'adequate'