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It is going to be a cloudy weekend ahead with a fair bit of rain

The weather will remain unsettled throughout the weekend.

A GREY AND wet weekend has been forecast by Met Éireann, with temperatures staying in the mid-teens and some occasional sunny spells expected.

According to the forecaster, there will be plenty of dry weather today, with just some patchy light rain or drizzle and mostly cloud in the north and east of the country. There will be some sunny spells in the west and the southwest, with highest temperatures of 12 to 15 degrees in light northwest to west breezes.

It will remain cloudy tonight in the the north and east, with mist and some rain in Ulster, with lowest temperatures there of seven to 10 degrees.

It will be drier, clearer and cooler in the south and the west, with temperatures dropping as low as four to eight degrees.

Tomorrow will start dry, but cloud will gather from the south west and patchy rain and drizzle will follow throughout the morning. The rain will turn more persistent in the afternoon and slowly track northeastwards. 

Highest temperatures of 12 to 16 degrees, mildest in Ulster which will have the best sunny spells and stay mostly dry until evening. Southeasterly winds will range from moderate to fresh.

The rest of the weekend will remain unsettled with rain or showers.

Saturday night will see rain over much of the country, clearing eastwards to showers overnight. Some of these may be heavy, with temperatures staying around nine to 12 degrees overnight in light winds.

Sunday will be a mixed bag of cloud and scattered showers, with some sunny spells. Some of the showers will turn thundery with a chance of spot flooding. Highest temperatures of 14 to 17 degrees generally.

The weather is to remain unsettled into the weekend.

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