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The 9 at 9 Here’s what’s making the news this morning.

EVERY MORNING, brings you the stories you need to know as you start your day.

1. #RONANSTOWN: A man in his 30s was shot dead in west Dublin last night, in what’s believed to be part of a local feud.

2. #THE NEXT NÓIRÍN: The new Garda Commissioner could come from outside Ireland and be paid in excess of €180,000.

3. #CRYSTAL CLEAR: The vast majority of Ireland’s drinking water is clean – but 87 sites are listed as “at-risk”.

4. #ANIMAL CRUELTY: A man is due in court this morning in connection with a weekend shooting incident and subsequent manhunt in Co Cork.

5. #HEALTH RISKS: Researchers at the European Lung Foundation are warning that use of e-cigarettes is not safe for pregnant women.

6. #WE’LL STAY AT HOME: British tourists took 300,000 fewer trips to Ireland due to the collapse in sterling caused by Brexit, reports RTÉ.

7. #IRISH HEART: RTÉ GAA presenter Michael Lyster wants to raise awareness about heart failure after he suffered a cardiac arrest in 2015.

8. #PSNI: A violent offender killed his partner three days after being released from police custody for allegedly assaulting the same woman, RTÉ reports.

9. #VICTIMS: More than 20,000 survivors of wartime sexual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina are still being denied justice, says a new Amnesty International report.

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