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evening fix

Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday

A deal between Ryanair and its pilots, a delayed referendum, and one of the hottest summers on record. Here’s what made the news.

NEED TO CATCH up? brings you a round-up of today’s news.


Taoiseach visits Aran Islands Taoiseach Leo Varadkar lands on Inis Meáin for a visit to Colaiste Naomh Eoin to mark its establishment as a single entity school. PA Images PA Images


Japan Asia Storm Hiroko Harima Hiroko Harima

#SALISBURY POISONING: UK police believe they have identified two Russian men responsible for using a nerve agent in Salisbury in March.

#LOS ANGELES: Prosecutors say they will not file sexual assault charges in cases against actors Kevin Spacey, Steven Seagal, and Anthony Anderson.


A day after Amazon became a one trillion dollar companywe thought this tweet was a necessary bit of fun.

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