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The 9 at 9 Here’s everything you need to know as you start your day.

LAST UPDATE | 8 Aug 2019

EVERY MORNING brings you all the news you need to know as you start the day.

1. #GUCCI: Gardaí in Dublin have stepped up their fight against the so-called Gucci Gang, carrying out a series of raids in the capital. 

2. #WEATHER: It looks like it’s going to be another wet day as a Status Yellow rainfall warning has been issued for Munster and Leinster. 

3. #UNDOCUMENTED: Some 680 undocumented migrants have been detained in a series of raids in the US, officials have said.

4. #EL PASO: US President Donald Trump met victims of mass shootings in Ohio and Texas yesterday and he said he has an “amazing day”.

5. #BREXIT: Sinn Féin president Mary Lou McDonald has ruled out holding a special Ard Fheis on the issue of abstentionism and the idea of Sinn Féin proxies taking Westminster seats to “stop Brexit”.

6. #COFFEE: Consuming more than three coffees a day increases the likelihood of experiencing a migraine, according to US researchers.

7. #DRUGS: A working group to tackle drug use at festivals will finally be established next month after first being announced over two years ago. 

8. #BEEF: Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed has said his offer of talks with farmers protesting over Irish beef prices has been rejected, amid reports of job losses at processing plants.

9. #GARDA: The Irish Times has reported that a former Garda member who campaigned for years for the force to admit he was dismissed because he was gay has been told by Garda Commissioner Drew Harris that his “alleged involvement in homosexual activity” was the issue. 

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