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The 9 at 9 Here’s all the news you need to know as you start your day.

EVERY MORNING, brings you all the news you need to know as you start the day.

1. #GOVERNMENT FORMATION: The reduced Fianna Fáil parliamentary party will meet today for the first time since the General Election with Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald saying she wants to meet with Micheál Martin. 

2. #DERRY: A man charged with the murder of journalist Lyra McKee will appear in court later today. 

3. #CORONAVIRUS: China’s official death toll from the coronavirus has spiked dramatically after authorities changed their counting methods, fueling concern the epidemic is far worse than being reported.

4. #CHILDCARE: A majority of Irish adults believe that all parents should be financially supported to stay at home with their child for the first 12 months of the child’s life, according to a new survey. 

5. #OPW: Pest control companies were called to remove rats, pigeons and foxes from public sites and buildings over 50 times in recent years, according to new records.

6. #BIG BEN: An extra £18.6 million (over €22 million) is needed to repair the tower which houses Big Ben in London, British parliamentary authorities have been told.

7. #CAMBODIA: A US cruise ship blocked from several Asian ports over concerns that a passenger could have been infected with the new coronavirus arrived off Cambodia today.

8. #BRENDAN HOWLIN: The Labour Party leader’s announcement that he plans to step down has “thrown the cat among the pigeons”, according to one Labour politician, kicking off a new leadership contest

9. #FORECAST: A status yellow snow-ice warning for several counties will remain in place until 10am.

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