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The 9 at 9 Here’s what’s happening today.

EVERY MORNING, brings you all the news you need to know as you start the day.

1. #STATE EXAMS: Why was the 29 July date for the Leaving Cert exams cancelled? When will the ‘calculated grades’ results be out? Here are the answers to the most common questions about this year’s Ardteist. 

2. #TRAVEL: The UK plans to introduce a 14-day mandatory quarantine for most international arrivals, reports said today, but it won’t include travellers from Ireland

3. #SUNRISE: People around Ireland took part in Pieta House’s event to replace the postponed Darkness Into Light, by sharing pictures of this morning’s sunrise.

4. #DEBUNKED: An image on social media claims that and other news outlets are organising a collective applause for the government tonight - it’s false, obviously.

5. #NURSING HOMES: Hiqa will carry out an inspection at Dealgan House Nursing Home in Dundalk “in the near future” after it was confirmed there have been 23 deaths among residents since 1 April. 

6. #BREXIT: Tánaiste Simon Coveney said the Covid-19 pandemic has made the timeline for a UK-EU trade deal “virtually impossible”

7. #SMEs: Business owners are still digesting the government’s ‘Road Map for Reopening Society and Business’ and the package of recovery measures, but anxiety is still palpable among owners and industry lobbyists. 

8. #NORMAL PEOPLE: The TV series Normal People is both an opportunity and a challenge for Tourism Ireland to attract people to the west of Ireland, the Guardian reports.

9. #REOPENING IRELAND: Enterprise Minister Heather Humphreys is to announce at 12pm the measures needed to reopen businesses in the next few weeks.

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