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The 9 at 9 Here’s what’s making headlines this morning.

LAST UPDATE | 30 Sep 2020

EVERY MORNING, brings you all the news you need to know as you start the day.

1. #DEBATE: In a chaotic, personal and ill-tempered debate, Donald Trump and Joe Biden squared off in an exchange that offered few key moments. 

2. #DEMOLISHED: Dublin City Council asked to inspect the now-demolished former home of 1916 leader The O’Rahilly four weeks ago. 

3. #LAW: A Law Reform Commission report has found that introducing a cap on damages awarded in personal injury claims would be permissible under Irish constitutional law. 

4. #ETHICS: Sanctions and penalties should be attached to any cooling-off period used by office holders that move into the lobbying sphere, according to the Taoiseach. 

5. #COLLEGE: Students have been requesting refunds for accommodation after their short time in college due to a lack of on-campus hours. 

6. #UK: Boris Johnson will appear at a press conference to speak to the UK as the Covid-19 situation worsens. 

7. #STARS: Actors Matt Damon, Jodie Comer and Adam Driver have been pictured wearing face coverings in Co Tipperary on set for their new film The Last Duel.

8. #FACTFIND: Fine Gael made a number of claims about Sinn Féin in a video published on social media. Are they accurate?

9. #DROGHEDA: Houses were evacuated in Drogheda last night after a suspect device was discovered at a residential premises in the Moneymore area.

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