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Alex Jones speaks to the media outside Connecticut Superior Court during his Sandy Hook defamation damages trial. Christian Abraham

Closing arguments held in Alex Jones’ Sandy Hook defamation trial

The trial will determine how much Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems, should pay for claiming the school shooting was a hoax.

A LAWYER FOR families of eight people killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre told a jury on Thursday that conspiracy theorist Alex Jones started lying about the shooting the day it happened and provided the machinery that allowed that lie to spread.

Jones’ attorney countered by telling the jury his client did not “invent the Internet” and argued jurors should not award excessive damages just because they are angry about the harassment the families went through at the hands of others who also believed the lie that the shooting was a hoax.

The attorneys presented closing arguments in the trial to determine how much Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems, should pay for representing to the audience of his Infowars show that the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax staged to impose more gun control laws.

Plaintiff attorney Christopher Mattei told the jury that it was because of Jones and his massive Infowars platform the families have been subjected to a decade of torment at the hands of conspiracy theorists.

“As soon as he did it, everyone else came coming in over him,” Mattei said. “The threats, the harassment, the fear, the allegations of actors, when every single one of these families were drowning in grief. And Alex Jones put his foot right on top.”

Mattei suggested to the jury that it award the plaintiffs at least $550 million, telling them Jones will spread lies about other shootings and other families if they do not make him understand the harm his comments caused.

Mattei tied that amount to the estimated 550 million views of the Sandy Hook content on Jones and Infowars’ social media accounts from 2012 to 2018 — an estimate provided by a plaintiff’s’ expert witness who said he reviewed the content.

“Their lives were shattered by 14 December 2012, but Alex Jones has made it so they can’t escape,” Mattei said.

“It is your job to make sure he understands the extent of the wreckage that he caused,” he added. “Because you know damn well he doesn’t get it.”

Another plaintiff attorney, Joshua Koskoff, told the jury that lies like the ones Jones tells get people killed.

“We don’t know when, but it is going to happen at some point,” he said.

Defence lawyer Norm Pattis opened his arguments with a 19-minute video from a 2018 episode of Jones’ Infowars show in which the Jones accuses the media of misrepresenting his position for “questioning” Sandy Hook and bringing it up long after he acknowledged the shooting happened.

“It’s edited and then it’s brought back up as if I’m bringing it back up,” Jones says in the video.

newtown-shooting-infowars Attorney Chris Mattei shows a photo of the Wheeler family during closing statements in the Alex Jones Sandy Hook defamation damages trial. H John Voorhees III / PA H John Voorhees III / PA / PA

But the plaintiffs argue that Jones continues to misrepresent the families as tools of anti-gun and anti-free speech forces.

“The lies that started on December 14, 2012, are continuing to this very day,” Mattei said. “In two months it will be 10 years, 10 years since these families lost their loved ones and even now, even now, he’s still doing it.”

The six-person jury, comprising three men and three women, could soon begin deliberations in the lawsuit, one of several filed against the conspiracy theorist by relatives of the 26 people killed in the mass shooting.

Since the trial began on 13 September, all 15 plaintiffs in the Connecticut lawsuit have testified about being tormented for a decade by people who believed Jones’ claims that the shooting never happened, and that the parents of the 20 slain children were “crisis actors”.

The plaintiffs said they have received death and rape threats, mail from conspiracy theorists that included photos of dead children, and had in-person confrontations with hoax believers.

They sued Jones for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and violating Connecticut’s unfair trade practices law by profiting off the hoax lies.

The people suing Jones and Free Speech Systems in the Connecticut case include the relatives of eight massacre victims, as well as an FBI agent who responded to the school.

Mark Barden, whose son Daniel was among the 26 victims, testified that conspiracy theorists threatened to dig up the boy’s grave to prove the shooting never happened.

Pattis noted the plaintiffs’ lawyers did not show monetary harm to the families, “no doctors’ bills reports, very few mentions of treatment”. He told the jurors that punitive damages are by law limited to attorneys’ fees and they should not confuse those with compensatory damages, which should be for losses caused by Jones.

“This is not an action to compensate the folks at Sandy Hook for the loss of their children,” he said. “Alex Jones is not (gunman) Adam Lanza.”

Jones, whose show and Infowars brand are based in Austin, Texas, was found liable for defaming the plaintiffs last year. In an unusual ruling, Judge Barbara Bellis found Jones had forfeited his right to a trial as a consequence of repeated violations of court orders and failures to turn over documents to the plaintiffs’ lawyers.

Earlier in the Connecticut trial, Jones took the stand for a contentious day of testimony, saying he was “done saying I’m sorry” for calling the school shooting a hoax.

Outside the courthouse and on his show, he has repeatedly bashed the trial as a “kangaroo court” and an effort to put him out of business. He has cited free speech rights, but he and his lawyer were not allowed to make that argument during the trial because he already had been found liable. His show is also broadcast on many radio stations.

Koskoff pointed out the Jones was not in court to hear any of the families testimony, and called him a “coward.”

Pattis is trying to limit any damages awarded to the victims’ families and claimed the relatives were exaggerating their claims of being harmed and falsely placing the blame for that harm on Jones.

“Alex invented fear, Alex invented anger, Alex invented what’s wrong with this world,” Pattis said. “Kill Alex and we’ll all live happily ever after. Do you believe that for one moment?”

In a similar trial in Texas in August, a jury ordered Jones to pay nearly $50 million dollars in damages to the parents of one of the children killed in the shooting, because of the hoax lies.

A third such trial, also in Texas, involving two other parents is expected to begin near the end of the year.

Jones has said he expects the cases to be tied up in appeals for the next two years and has asked his audience to help him raise $500,000 dollars to pay for his legal expenses. Free Speech Systems, meanwhile, is seeking bankruptcy protection.

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