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'We had viewings within a week': How this Cork family made their home market-ready

Jennifer and Mark have already made the move to their ‘forever’ home.

“WE LIKE ENTERTAINING, we’ve two kids and we have a lot of stuff, so we wanted more space.”

After living at 3 The Alders in Glanmire, Co Cork for eight and a half years, Jennifer Dineen and her husband Mark made the move to their forever home with their two children earlier this month. 

Having loved the location of their first home, the one thing the family was looking for was more space. “We literally moved across the road from where we were,” says Jennifer. 

They put the property up for sale on Daft in March through Joe Organ Auctioneers, and just two weeks ago the sale closed. 

“The house ticks all of the boxes,” says Joe, who also helped Jennifer and Mark find their new home. “It’s in a great location – there’s a lot of stuff on its doorstep. There’s a creche in the estate, it’s within walking distance to the bus stop. It’s very well presented inside and out. There was a huge interest, really.”  

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To prepare the house for sale, Joe advised Jennifer on how to present it and organised for a photographer to come to take professional photographs. 

“When we were getting ready to sell we got the kitchen painted and the outside power hosed,” says Jennifer. “We bought things to stage it for viewings to have it looking fresh. I know myself from looking on Daft that if I don’t like the look of the pictures straight away, I’m more than likely not going to go on to view the house.” 

And the preparation paid off: “When the house went online, before I even knew that it had gone up and Joe had a chance to ring me, the office had received phone calls about it.”  

The property’s listing reached an especially wide range of buyers, says Joe, because they used a Daft Advantage ad on Daft.ie.

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“We started using the Advantage ads in the last quarter of last year, and we found they give us a very high profile in Glanmire,” says Joe. “We present it to our clients and advise that they should seriously consider going for the Advantage ad. About 80% of them go for it, and there’s great feedback.”

For Jennifer, she says using the Advantage ad helped their house stand out among others in the area. “There was a lot for sale in the area at the time, so I definitely think it played a part in ours going quickly… We had our first viewings a week after we went online, and we had our first offer the following day.”

Daft Advantage ads secure a premium position and more listing views on Ireland’s leading property platform, giving homes like Jennifer and Mark’s that extra chance of being seen.

As a Daft Premier Partner, Joe Organ Auctioneers is able to offer Daft Advantage positions to sellers. “The cost is a small percentage in relation to the overall transaction and it gives them maximum exposure, really.” 

Daft.ie is Ireland’s leading real estate platform. Daft Advantage upgrades are available exclusively through Premier Partner agents to maximise your chances of a great sale. You don’t sell a home every day – so when you do, give it every opportunity to get the very best return.