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# Internet

All time
Here's what went viral today: Saturday
Facebook's solar-powered laser drone masterplan is starting to take shape
Here's what 'Success Kid' looks like today
Here are the most searched for porn categories among porn users aged 18-34
Your next WiFi hotspot won’t be in your home but your car
The EU decides on net neutrality rules, but not everyone is happy with it
What life would be like without the internet
The latest body shaming 'collarbone challenge' is already being ripped to shreds
Gerry Adams and Mary Lou have blocked Maíria Cahill on Twitter
Is your area FINALLY going to get super-fast broadband?
Teens admit to changing their behaviour after searching health info online
'You're no better than any drug dealer': Life in prison for 'Silk Road' website creator
Massive increase in child sex abuse material uncovered by Irish internet hotline
Paramedic proposes to the woman he helped save after domestic violence attack
The internet went crazy after this outrageous piece of skill by Luis Suarez
British spy agency might be able to tell when you say 'craic' or 'Dublin' on the phone
#ClickbaitBooks took over Twitter today and it was glorious
Intel says 50 years of Moore's Law has transformed our lives
This old lady's views on the internet are wonderfully cutting
These are some of the best easter eggs you can find online
British couples are having less sex - probably because they're on the internet instead
Can you resist pushing the button that is driving the internet mad?
11 pathetic things we are all guilty of Googling
It's now 30 years since the first '.com' website. My, how things have changed...
ISIS supporters set up a social network to show they 'don't live in caves'
Girls provides spot-on guide to taking the perfect d*ck pic
Want to learn to write code? Here's how...
Mark Lambe
Here's how you can make your internet experience that little bit safer
'The early days of social media were mostly carefree – now mistakes can be like a bad tattoo'
Roisin Kiberd
This is what happens when Irish users search 'cesspit' in Google Maps
There is a 'Skype facility' in Leinster House after all. Well, sort of...
The Data Protection Commissioner is "improving its reach"
From dial-up to The Devil Wears Prada: How the internet helped this writer's career
5 reasons we will actually kinda miss the horrors of Internet Explorer
Opinion: Could you quit ALL social media for a month?
Diarmuid Lyng
Beaming the internet down from space looks like Google's next project
Ireland has the seventh fastest broadband speeds in the world
Opinion: Embarrassing photos posted online? There are ways of having them removed...
Fergal Crehan
There's a growing pro self-harm movement and it's worrying mental health experts
China's state media has blamed Google for Gmail shutdown