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# Lancet

All time
Knocked out: Global players’ union want action after World Cup concussions
Kids who take antibiotics before their first birthday may be more likely to get asthma
Ireland, UK and Malta have the highest death rates for children in western Europe
Physiotherapy sessions might not treat whiplash any better than exercise at home
Can 'Supermums' make kids wash their hands more - and help save lives?
Toxins in everyday items linked with ADHD and other brain development disorders
Study finds sexual violence against women "endemic" in some countries
Global health inequality could be eliminated by 2035 — report
New drug could fight psychotic symptoms of Parkinson's
Strokes among younger people are increasing worldwide
This is how much cancer cost the EU in one year...
Scientists meet to discuss ending the world's AIDS pandemic
New drug can lower cholesterol by 57 per cent
How lifestyle changes can reverse ageing
New test for drug resistant malaria unveiled
Nearly a quarter of Asian Pacific men have raped a woman
Even low levels of air pollution can lead to lung cancer, major new study shows
Painkillers can increase your risk of heart attacks, strokes and death
Scientists identify early predictors for Huntington's disease
Fast food and alcohol companies ‘using similar strategies to tobacco industry’
Not enough radiotherapy machines to meet Ireland's cancer needs - study
People are living longer - but spending more time ill or injured
Breast cancer screening "reduces deaths, but over-diagnoses"
Study of one million women says giving up smoking can extend life for ten years
Study: Work stress linked to greater risk of heart disease
Contraceptive use saves the lives of more than 250,000 women annually
One third of malaria drugs worldwide are fake - Lancet research
"Broken hearts" could be healed with stem cells
'Urgent need' for action as diabetes rate doubles in 30 years