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All time
24 staff at State's debt management agency have company cars
Oireachtas agenda: Dáil reform, Ireland's EU birthday and national debt
Ireland to sell €500 million Treasury Bills this week
NTMA in talks with investors on selling new 10-year bonds
Ireland raises another €2.5bn at the bond markets
NTMA to tap bond markets
Prize Bond prizes to fall as cost of borrowing goes down
NTMA Chief says State Street "perpetrated a fraudulent act"
Ireland's cost of borrowing drops as another €500 million is raised
Fitch takes Ireland's credit rating off 'negative' watch list
Ireland to go back to the markets again
Exchequer returns show €2.9 billion deficit due, in part, to payment to the ESM
Ireland's cost of borrowing stable as €500 million raised on markets
Ireland to raise €500 million on bond markets
Bond auction sees Ireland’s cost of borrowing fall dramatically
NTMA chief: It's looking good for 'sustainable' re-entry to markets
NTMA to raise another €500m on bond markets this week
Irish 9-year bonds fall below 6% for the first time since 2010
Irish bond auction welcomed but 'country is still on life support'
Ireland raises €4.19 billion in first return to bond markets
At least 3 more bond auctions before year end, says NTMA
Cannabis, beer and T-bills: the week in stats
Friday Dáil sees bipartisanship as Govt supports FOI legislation
Ireland's €500m government debt sale goes better than expected
Ireland returns to the markets today - here's what you need to know
Back to the markets: Ireland to offer €500 million of three-month bills
Ireland still planning to issue short-term bonds this summer
8 things you (probably) didn’t know about Prize Bonds
Noonan: €1.2 billion of pension reserves already committed
PAC chair blasts “whitewash” report into €3.6bn accounting error
Finance chief to meet with PAC over €3.6bn accounting error
Report on €3.6 billion accounting error may be published next week
1,065 top bankers earn basic salary over €100K
Back to the markets: NTMA prepares to issue annuity bond
NTMA management agree to 15 per cent pay cut
NTMA signs partnership with Chinese government's investment fund
Gardaí and banks should be more transparent - Ombudsman
NAMA architect fears agency's pursuit of debts is "not sufficient"
Banking crisis: Central Bank paid out €30m in consultancy fees in 2011