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# St Patrick's Day

All time
1953 St Patrick's Day photo shows US soldiers preparing Irish-decorated bomb
9 things every tourist coming to Ireland should know
Guinness pulls out of sponsorship of NYC Patrick's Day parade at the last minute
This was Temple Bar at the height of things last night
500,000 people, 1 event… It’s the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in numbers
13 St Patrick's Day t-shirts that should be shocking but aren't
Timelapse video shows Chicago turning the river green
Rosanna Davison goes topless for St Patrick's Day PETA campaign
Column: In Irish America, there’s far more to the celebration of St Patrick’s Day than parades
Larry Donnelly
9 of the absolute worst St Patrick's Day club nights
6 people who are 100% over the Paddy/Patty thing
Poll: Does it benefit Ireland to have Ministers travel abroad for St Patrick's Day?
Alex White to discuss LGBTI concerns with civil rights groups in Moscow
18 signs your club is in the AIB All-Ireland final on St Patrick's Day
Here’s What Happened Today: Friday
‘Galling’: Enda Kenny describes effect of recession in St Patrick’s Day message
Dublin off licences urged not to sell booze before 4pm on Paddy’s Day
Sinn Féin: ‘Undocumented Irish in US just want to live a full life paying their taxes’
Someone has made a St Patrick's Day version of Flappy Bird
8 things we all did on St Patrick's Day as kids
Column: How we lost St Patrick's Day
Paul Allen
The all-important weather report for the bank holiday weekend
It'll be all smiles and shamrocks in the White House today
The Irish show Berlin how to celebrate St Paddy's Day
Gardaí will be out in force to ensure everyone has a ‘safe and fun’ St. Patrick’s weekend
Irish scientists etch the tiniest shamrock you will ever see*
Beautiful short film captures the magic of a year in Dublin
US Embassy in Dublin claims Americans invented St Patrick's Day
Here’s how the Taoiseach and Tánaiste are spending the St Patrick’s Weekend
High Court halts airport strikes by granting injunction to DAA
Dublin Airport is asking tourists not to say 'St Patty's Day'
Gorgeous Irish montage will remind you why there's no place like home
Irish rapper releases ode to St Patrick's Day
Snapshot - Boston Celtics unveil sleeved jerseys for St Patrick's Day
'Ming' Flanagan will tell us if he is running for Europe after St Patrick's Day
Special Olympians to be Grand Marshals at Limerick's St Patrick's Day parade
Riot squad arrest 73 at pre-St Patrick's Day 'Blarney Blowout' at US college
Tubridy's threatening to wear this Paddy's Day jumper on the Late Late