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Shutterstock/Rhonda Roth
Prime Numbers

How many people said they don't conserve water because of how often it rains in Ireland? It's the week in numbers

Plus: The amount of unfit or illegal meat and food products seized at Irish ports and airports.

EVERY WEEK, offers a selection of statistics and numerical nuggets to help you digest the week that has just passed.

23%: The increase in pre-tax profits recorded by the group which owns the clamping firm contracted to carry out clamping and parking enforcement in Dublin city in 2017.

0: The number of days a person applying for Irish citizenship can spend outside the country in the past year, following a High Court ruling this week. 

25: The percentage of the Irish public who said they don’t need to conserve water because of how often it rains in Ireland, according to research by Behaviour & Analysis conducted on behalf of Irish Water.

32: The number of children who been admitted to adult mental health units so far this year. 

€1,399: The average amount of money parents are spending per child in getting them ready for secondary school, according to a national survey by Irish League of Credit Unions. 

214 tonnes: The amount of unfit or illegal meat and food products seized at Irish ports and airports between 2016 and 2018, according to new figures.

540: The number of jobs that are to be created after planning permission was granted by An Bord Pleanála for a €500 million data centre in Co Wicklow.

€2.5 million: The estimated street value of the cocaine, found in a horsebox, seized by Revenue officers at Rosslare Europort. 

40: The percentage decrease in the number of accidents in the construction industry in 2019, according to data from the Health Safety Authority.

16.4C: The average global temperature recorded in June by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – the highest for the month in the agency’s 140-year history. 

30: The number of practices of Irish ‘living cultural heritage’ that were given official recognition by the state this week. They range from Irish crochet lace to the Burren Winterage festival. 

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