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evening fix

Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday

Here’s what made the news today.

NEED TO CATCH up? brings you a round-up of today’s news.


WILD MOUNTAIN DEER  758A7122 A young wild Sika deer keeps watch, while older members of a large herd continue to graze as yesterday's snow starts to recede high up in the Wicklow mountains. Eamonn Farrell / Eamonn Farrell / /

  • Brendan Howlin announced he is to step down as leader of the Labour Party in the coming weeks.
  • A 52-year-old man has been charged with the murder of Lyra McKee, who was shot dead in Derry last year.
  • Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald met with Green Party leader Eamon Ryan and People Before Profit representatives today for colation talks. 
  • The funeral of RTÉ broadcaster and journalist Keelin Shanley took place this afternoon in Glenageary in Dublin.
  • Facebook postponed its launch of a dating app across EU member states after Ireland’s Data Protection Commission raised concerns.
  • Fine Gael MEP Maria Walsh defied her party colleagues in the European Parliament today and supported a motion to veto a number of energy projects, including the controversial Shannon LNG terminal in Co Kerry.
  • An Independent TD who was re-elected following Saturday’s general election apologised to Shane Ross for calling him a ‘scumbag’ while giving a late-night speech.
  • Cork University Hospital confirmed that a review of protocols was carried out after a teenage girl was sexually assaulted by a male patient with whom she shared a hospital ward. 


election-2020-bernie-sanders Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders with his wife Jane O'Meara Sanders after winning the New Hampshire primary. Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP/Press Association Images Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP/Press Association Images / AP/Press Association Images

#COVID-19: UK authorities have confirmed that a case of the coronavirus has been detected in London. 

#FEEL THE BERN: Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire presidential primary election last night, scoring the first clear victory in the Democratic Party’s 2020 nomination fight.

#ROGER STONE: The four lawyers who prosecuted Roger Stone have quit the case after the Justice Department overruled them and said it would take the extraordinary step of lowering the amount of prison time it would seek for President Donald Trump’s long-time ally and confidant.


People in London who own flats with floor-to-floor ceiling glass windows are annoyed that people can see in from one of London’s biggest tourist attractions. 

The residents of the flats overlooked by the Tate Modern lost the latest round of their legal battle with the gallery at the court of appeal today. 

An enjoyable read from The Guardian here.

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