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The 9 at 9 Here’s all the news you need to know this Saturday morning.

EVERY MORNING brings you the stories you need to know as you wake up. 

1. #TAOISEACH TIME: Micheál Martin is expected to be elected Taoiseach today as the 33rd Dáil sits in Dublin’s Convention Centre. 

2. #COVID: As the country reopens, the public has been asking a lot of questions about the virus. We’ve answered a few of them here.

3. #ARREST: Members of the Special Detective Unit arrested a man in Limerick for “knowingly assisting the IRA”.

4. #SWOON: The nation went mad last night after RTÉ aired a sketch featuring the stars of Normal People and Fleabag as part of a Comic Relief special.

5. #FINAL FLIGHT: The very last scheduled Aer Lingus flight to bring personal protective equipment (PPE) into the State to help battle the Covid crisis landed in Dublin yesterday evening.

6. #CORK: AN 11-year-old boy is in a critical condition after a car crash in Cork.

7. #GLASGOW: Constable David Whyte, 42, is in a critical but stable condition after suffering knife wounds at the Park Inn hotel on Friday afternoon. [Sky News]

8. #BREXIT: Angela Merkel says the UK must live with the consequences of weaker ties to the EU. [The Guardian]

9. #TEA-RIFFIC: Fancy a recipe for a summer cocktail that uses tea? We’ve got you covered.

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