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price comparison

What can I get around Donegal... for exactly €325,000?

Including a semi-detached property by the coast and a six-bed with lake views.

GETTING TO GRIPS with a fast-changing property market is tricky, but we’re here to make things simpler.

Each week, we’ll handpick four homes within a similar budget, to give you a snapshot of the property landscape at a particular price point.

This week, we’re looking at properties around Donegal with an asking price of exactly €325,000 – from a semi-detached property by the coast to a six-bed with lake views. 

Newtown Cunningham, Co Donegal – €325,000

If a family home with plenty of space is what you’re looking for, this detached residence near Port Lough might do the trick. With six bedrooms, three bathrooms and five reception rooms, this property is designed to be filled with people. It spans 3,627 sq ft, including two bedrooms and a storage room on the second floor, and benefits from a detached garage of 2,378 sq ft.

The property sits on a private site of 0.84 acres and enjoys calming countryside views, as well as views of Port Lough. A raised decking area outside is the ideal spot to soak up the sights. Inside, features include a mixture of solid oak and maple floors, a sun room and a large kitchen. Letterkenny town is a 20-minute drive away.

MDJjZjA3ZjI5OTJlY2JhNjM4ZmY2ZmEwNTAxNDQ5NDNfbgDtORhpD5dFDAjXqBWqaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvYi8xL2IxOTlmM2YwMTgyMzQ4MTBjMGFlMjMwNTljZDg4Nzk1LmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8fA== Daft.ie Daft.ie

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Castlefin, Co Donegal – €325,000 

Another spacious property, this five-bed residence in Castlefin spans an impressive 4,500 sq ft, plus a detached garage. Each of the five bedrooms features an en suite bathroom, while the large kitchen and separate utility room are sure to be appreciated by busy families.

While there’s a spacious living room to the front of the house, the sun room, which is accessed through double doors from the dining room, offers the perfect space to unwind thanks to a red brick Inglenook fireplace with a cast iron stove. The surrounding garden is neatly manicured, with a winding brick driveway which leads to a parking area to the front and side of the property. Castlefin town is less than a five-minute drive away. 

M2I3OTNlYWM0ZmFhZjlhYWE2ODk2YzY1Y2NhMDY1NTV5ZGLqIchmp3I1Ll2d9V5LaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvZS82L2U2Yzc5ZjMyYzI1YzkyZjVlYWEyZWJiNTQzMDg0ZjQ5LmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8fA== Daft.ie Daft.ie

ZmU5NTkyZTQxYTE1ZTA1ZjJlMDNhMWU5NjkxNDRmNTYdbU4gql6qX2AvQjHJSb0waHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvMi8zLzIzY2VkYjE1ODA0MWY1ZmQ5YTgwMTk3Yzk3NTU0OTg0LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

ZmFlM2RlYjEzN2I1YzEyMDMzODkxNjZlZGIwYThkMzMfdyAg_xTpHKVJSeiWzYgxaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvYy82L2M2YWI1NGQ3YjFjZmZkZjEyYzNlMWUzZjllZGFmN2FlLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

YmRjOTkwOWU1YWRkNDRlNWUxNTEzMmQ4OTA4Y2ZjZjaY6tXvTpgC3umIbGSdf3z2aHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvZi80L2Y0YWUyMmVkYjFjYjBiYWUwMjE1YTMzZGNhZTk1OTI1LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

Killybegs, Co Donegal – €325,000

Overlooking Fintra Bay, Serieannes View is a four-bedroom property which includes a two-bedroom annexe with its own kitchen. In the main part of the house, the kitchen features plenty of storage space and room for a dining table to seat at least six. There’s also a spacious living room with double doors which lead to the hallway, plus a seating area in front of a picture window with views of the bay.

There are landscaped gardens to the front and rear of the property, with a paved parking area to the front. In an ideal location, Serieannes View is just a five-minute drive from Killybegs Harbour, while Fintra Beach is 10 minutes away. 

ZmRjNTUzZjIyNTc2OGE5ZjcyYzVhNzNiMzBmOTc4ZWGpsCM2ATHcKAsfQ9nZClroaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvYi8yL2IyNmVlODU2ZDQxMDE2MDQzMTA3MDRmYTE1ZTg5MDZhLmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8fA== Daft.ie Daft.ie

NzBhNjcyNmVmZTMxZGRiMWMxMjA4ODk0MzRkMWE5OGYTU-MbD_tUj57DJCGKpxvZaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvOS83Lzk3Njk4OGRiODAyYzFlZjY3MWRiYjc2OGY0NzVlN2Q2LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

NzU2YWYyYjNkZDRhODViM2ExOGIxNzczZTMxZWY1Y2PyoTisvIClAAgm4OKV4NsPaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvNi9hLzZhMTAzZDExZDRiYmQxYjk1N2M5NGI0YjdjMmI0ODRlLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

NDA3MDQzYWEyNWM1ZDNkN2Q1MjIyOTVlY2ZjN2Y5Y2HE6s_kJ8EqVWtlcYdoRvwYaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvMi9iLzJiNWE5NDBmMzdhZGM0NjdiZjdmNWViNWNmMzc4MjRhLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

Inver, Co Donegal – €325,000

One of five houses in a private cul-de-sac, 1 The Port is literally a stone’s throw from the Donegal coast. No 1 is a semi-detached property with three bedrooms and basement, which is sure to come in handy for boat storage, with Port Pier only 20m away.

The property is designed to soak up the beautiful ocean views, particularly from the sitting and dining room, which features patio doors that open to a balcony. For cold winters, there’s underfloor heating throughout the property, as well as an open fire in the living room. While residents will have an almost private beach on their doorstep, the larger beach in Inver village is just a five-minute drive away. 

MGZiYWJkNDk3YTYzNzk3ZGJmMmY1MDIwNjliZGQ3MzIqLx68WV9YkgPkLh1R4hqYaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvYi9kL2JkNGZkMjlhNjc3YWYyYzQwMDI0YTY2ZDZhY2E4ZDg3LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

NmUxYzY5YmViODQwMGUyNjc2YjhmOTcwMjk0NDIwMWTzNw2d4LBo6ti12HNsvoecaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvZi9mL2ZmZTlhNDFhMThjODJkY2VjZmRmZmJiNmYwNjljODY1LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

ZGVmMjI2N2VjNGU2NTBkYWU0NjcyNDQ4OGQzM2FhYzKWVUOFkstC1Xqc4VIVE2JTaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvYy8zL2MzYjk3Y2NlYjJhMTIzMzNmZjNiZGIxZDBjOTU3ZTI1LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

MDk0YjI5NTAwZjRjODA1NmE3ZjVjZWZjMTExZmQ0N2TwO8H4wut39sla-zmsuZoAaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvZC9mL2RmN2ZmMGUxNjNmNzg4ZmU5MDZiZTRmMjFlZTRkNmQ5LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

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