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# Nazis

This year
German court convicts far-right politician of using banned Nazi slogan during campaign
Last year
Ben Ferencz, the last living Nuremberg trials prosecutor, dies aged 103
All time
Former SS soldier charged over disparaging memory of Nazi victims dies
Former SS guard (94) to testify at trial in Germany
Eight police hurt in clashes at far-right gig in Germany
German neo-Nazi gets life sentence for seven-year racist murder spree
Spitfire that crashed into Monaghan field and Nazi invasion plans to be put on show
Pope Francis compares abortion to Nazi crimes 'but with white gloves'
German far-right leader sparks outrage in describing Nazi rule as 'just a speck of bird s**t'
Researchers uncover 'dirty jokes' in Anne Frank's diary
France hands back Nazi looted art to Jewish family
'Step on the gas - we can make it to seven million': Austria shaken by 'Nazi songbook' scandal
Louvre launches new display in hope of reuniting owners with art stolen by Nazis
Museum removes 'fun' Hitler display after protests
Trump condemns hate on 'many sides' after woman killed by car at anti-Nazi protest
Believe it or not, Reagan had a media chief who lasted even less time than Scaramucci
German opera confronts Wagner's antisemitism head-on
Katie Hopkins to leave job at London radio station after calling for 'final solution' to Manchester attack
Sean Spicer just said even Hitler 'didn't sink to using chemical weapons'
Poland charges 11 over bizarre Auschwitz 'slaughtered lamb' protest
"They are the vestiges of the Nazis": Turkey president slams Dutch over foreign minister ban
Meet the man championing musicians who were captured by the Nazis
President Higgins calls for fight against politics of fear and hatred while marking Holocaust Memorial
Preserving a dark history - the conservation project at Nazi Germany's most notorious death camp
Government investigated whether Josef Mengele spent time in Ireland after World War II
WW2 diaries: The lives, obsessions and mistresses of the man who planned the Holocaust
Homeless man jailed after painting Nazi symbols on schools
'A fully-fledged masochist': Inside the CIA's psychological profile of Adolf Hitler
Former Nazi guard (94) goes on trial over 170,000 Auschwitz deaths
Fine Gael councillor's posters defaced with swastikas
The fascinating story of an Irish jazz sensation who witnessed the Nazis come to power
Hitler's 3-mile-long abandoned Nazi resort is being transformed into a luxury getaway
The tragically powerful story behind the lone German who refused to give Hitler the Nazi salute
This huge Nazi flag caused consternation in Nice
TV station uses Nazi Holocaust symbol in a story about Jewish holiday
Apparently the Nazis were high on a crystal meth-style drug
Punk song about a 'Nazi a**hole' tops German charts amid support for refugees
A Nazi train filled with gold has almost certainly been found buried in Poland
Two British teens arrested after allegedly stealing items from Auschwitz
English historian under fire for comparing the SNP with the Nazis