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WANTED: Your sex diaries
VIDEO: Drunk driver flips vehicle after crashing into parked car
Two brothers have been sending each other this brilliant birthday card for 43 years
'No, you're fired!' - NBC cuts ties with Donald Trump
26 terminations carried out in Ireland under new abortion laws
These images will make you want to travel... and become a photographer
'There is truly no reason to die from cholera but 9,000 people have since 2010'
A scratch card turned this €2 debt between Cavan brothers into €50,000
Denis O'Brien wants people to buy at least $200m of his company
Classical BSE found in Louth dairy farm cow was 'an isolated case'
'Eoghan was our translator, sense-maker and peacemaker. He was our wiser brother'
Remember that time we were all chucking ice water over each other?
Blue powder and 'Goodbye' note sent to office of gay rights group
The best videos under 10 seconds the Internet has to offer
The Burning Question*: Which way should the toilet roll hang?
The price of stamps is going up
10 brilliant 'spontaneous moment' photos from the National Geographic Traveller photo contest
It's official - Ireland says YES to same-sex marriage
Body of man found at same location as abandoned baby Maria
Top comments of the week
Ireland is the talk of the world as voters decide on same-sex marriage
Man set his pit bull on gardaí as they tried to search house for drugs
How far can you get through this video without feeling awkward?
VIDEO: 100 years of Filipino beauty in 2 minutes
A photo a day: Watch this man age (and experiment with facial hair) over 16 years
VIDEO: Young lad treats Nitelink passengers to impromptu trad session
Taylor Swift asked ALL of her celebrity friends to be in her Bad Blood video
QUIZ: Who said it... Prince Charles or Michael D?
Top comments of the week
Someone has finally made a properly funny video about the same-sex marriage referendum
Poll: How are you going to vote in the same-sex marriage referendum?
What's the big deal about Prince Charles writing letters to politicians?
Here's what we know so far about the baby girl found in Rathcoole last week
QUIZ: Do you remember Ireland in 2000?
Top comments of the week
The polls got it wrong in the UK. Here's why...
Today's top stories in 6 seconds
Shots fired at house in Ballyfermot in broad daylight
Protester arrested during Taoiseach's canvas in Carlow
Man who masterminded Charlie Hebdo massacre has been killed in a drone strike