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Election 2020




Dublin Bay South


Carer/voluntary worker



Dooley works as a carer. He unsuccessfully ran in the May 2019 local elections. He is the co-founder of the Dublin Renters' Union. He has a degree in business and he formerly worked in retail and sales. He has been involved in campaigns about tenants' rights and health.

Question Time


Why should someone vote for you?

Ireland is being run for the benefit of a privileged few. This has led to a huge crisis for low and middle-income earners. I am principled and committed community activist, always on the frontline who knows the issues and has the solutions and energy to build a better and fairer society.


What is your number one priority for your constituency?

The housing and homelessness crisis... The solutions are there and I am committed to fighting to end it by stopping evictions, cutting the rents, taxing vacant properties, land value tax, stopping the sell-off of public land and building public housing.


What one thing would you like to do in your first 100 days of the new Dáil if you are elected?

The first thing I would do is to introduce emergency legislation to stop evictions and give renters security... Renters need real security of tenure with long-term and lifetime leases, along with cutting the unaffordable rents.

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