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# Employment rights

This year
Opinion: Unions matter, and we need them more now than ever
Marie Sherlock
Last year
Opinion: As Hollywood strikes, Irish film workers also deserve to have their conditions addressed
Jason O'Sullivan
Opinion: Shared maternity and paternity leave rights could end discrimination against working mothers
Damien McCarthy
Lawyer: 'The justifications for many redundancies in Ireland are getting thinner and thinner'
Ciarán Ahern
Opinion: After three years we still don't understand what remote work really is
Tracy Keogh
All time
Opinion: The EU's climate weakness this week will be welcomed by the biggest polluters
Caoimhe de Barra
Those in Direct Provision will be allowed to work, Minister confirms
Woman overlooked for promotion due to maternity leave awarded €70k
UAE recalls ambassador who treated his staff 'like slaves'
Hotdog and wine gums dispute gets fired Cineworld worker €20,000
New law to fix 'stolen wages' of undocumented workers
"I don't think we will see the money." - Dublin bakery staff staging sit-in over back wages
Dáil to hear another attempt to end compulsory retirement age
Column: Discrimination of workers in state funded bodies should not be allowed anymore
Senator Ivana Bacik
Government to block Sinn Féin plan on multiple redundancies
Teachers sought increase in breastfeeding time allowance
Investigate the Vita Cortex accounts, TD tells watchdog
Jobs Minister begins overhaul of industrial relations system
Vita Cortex sit-in enters its tenth day - with no end in sight
Belgian union to sue Ryanair over 'illegal work practices'