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# European Commission

All time
Commission calls for legal rules requiring Councils to break even
Half of proceeds from State assets sale must pay down debt - Troika
Troika thought the Government was optimistic with Budget 2013
New insolvency regime may not help troubled mortgage holders - Troika
Troika wants less pay, more hours for public sector workers
Government to hire private companies to find work for long-term unemployed
Troika recommends cuts to specialist doctors' salaries
European Commissioners to visit Dublin as part of presidency
Ireland set to beat EU's deficit target for 2012, says Hayes
Gender equalisation car insurance policy comes into effect today
Ireland fined €2 million over failure to impose septic tank rules
EU approves six-month extension of Ireland's bank guarantee
Column: What could Ireland gain from the EU Presidency?
Linda Barry
Prospect of October Budget welcomed amid calls for more open process
Ireland given pre-Budget boost with ECJ opinion on VAT laws
EU law to change to guard against 'predatory' directory ad scams
Eurozone members convince Slovakia to drop halos from new €2 coin
Ireland to find out whether Brussels can force change in VAT laws
EU 2013 budget talks break down
Brian Hayes in Brussels to discuss EU budget
Auditors report €5 billion 'material errors' in EU accounts
Eurozone economic confidence falls in October
Cyprus close to deal on becoming fourth bailed-out Eurozone country
ECB chief backs plans for EU to get veto on national budgets
10 EU states to bring in financial transaction tax legislation
EU issues €3 billion bond to fund Irish and Portuguese bailouts
Dublin one of eight nominees for European Green Capital Award
EU summit: Merkel backs EU budget control
European health commissioner John Dalli resigns over lobbying allegations
Poll: Should men and women's car insurance premiums be the same?
Car insurance premiums for female drivers set to soar after December
Draft EU nuclear report shows failure to implement safety measures agreed decades ago
Hogan admits water charges law will be behind Troika schedule
Brussels approves latest €1bn loan under Ireland's bailout programme
Warning issued to Irish consumers about Czech alcohol
European-wide bank supervision plans ruled out by Sweden
EU must become 'federation of nation states', argues Barroso
Toscan du Plantier murder: Family begins legal battle to change Irish laws
IMF turns up heat on demands for Irish bank debt deal
Labour Youth to hold public meeting on youth unemployment