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News Fix

Here's What Happened Today: Saturday

Here’s your round-up of the evening headlines.

NEED TO CATCH up? Here’s what made the headlines today.


dublin-city-at-sunset-with-view-over-oconnell-bridge-and-liffey-river An evening in Dublin city centre Alamy Stock Photo Alamy Stock Photo

  • There has been no change in how Irish troops in south Lebanon are dealing with issues of force protection since Ireland declared the recognition of Palestine despite concerns that Irish troops could face a heightened threat. 
  • Families of residents of a Dublin nursing home will hold a protest tomorrow against people being moved from the home after its registration was cancelled.
  • A young man was arrested during an investigation into criminal damage caused by fire at a property in Dublin this week.
  • A Fianna Fáil senator has slammed comments made by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during a visit to Belfast about his relationship with the Irish government.
  • The 2 Johnnies, who announced this week that they are soon leaving their RTÉ 2fm radio show Drive It, have said they are giving up the slot because “something has to go”.
  • A man has been accused of following and carrying out a “predatory” attack on a woman who informed gardaí she was held on the ground and bitten on her face and lips in a south Dublin suburb.
  • One of the country’s leading teacher-training colleges was criticised for attempting to hike fees for final-year students by €200 just weeks before they graduate.


rishi-sunak-2024 UK Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Alamy Stock Photo Alamy Stock Photo

#GAZA Israel bombed Gaza, including Rafah, despite an order from the UN’s top court for it to “immediately halt” its military offensive in the southern city.

#UKRAINE G7 countries moved one step closer to agreeing on ways to use profits from frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine.

#UK Cabinet minister Michael Gove became the latest high-profile Tory MP to announce that he will not run in the general election scheduled for 4 July.


The new season of The Journal’s The Candidate podcast is helping to make sense of the European elections and giving you a comprehensive view of the big issues and the candidates in each area.

The latest episode is on the Midlands North West constituency – listen to it here.

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