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4 of a kind

4 of's most viewed listings in 2019 - from a cottage to a €28m estate

Homes in Donegal, Dublin and Wicklow all made the cut.

AS WE CLOSE out 2019 and head into a new year we’re looking back on the past 12 months – and more specifically, we’re looking back at the listings that caught everyone’s attention.

There’s something so enjoyable about clicking through photos of a gorgeous home, imagining what it would be like to live there – or even critiquing the décor choices. 

So what were the listings that had house hunters and property fans talking in 2019? From Killiney to Wicklow, here are four of the most popular property listings on from the year just gone…

Killiney, Co Dublin – €8,900,000

It doesn’t get more picturesque than a seven bedroom villa overlooking the Irish Sea. Summerhill is a Victorian residence dating from the mid-1800’s that sits on five acres of manicured gardens and grounds. The listing also includes a tennis court, golf putting and chipping green, manicured lawns and feature waterfall and pond, in addition to ample off street car parking to the front and side.

The kitchen to the rear is the focal point in the home and includes a sitting and dining area with views over Dalkey Island. The garden level includes a gym, bar and plant room with access to the lower gardens and lawns.

OTEzNzk4ZjYzYTVkOGZjMjM4ZGNhMjNhOGFmNWE4MGNCtsd6R_CXHPKagxiH9ovhaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvNi8zLzYzMDRkOTVkZDcwYzM2ZjFhYjMzOWVlYzdjNTUyZWYyLmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8 Daft Daft

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Arranmore, Co Donegal – €80,000

Not all of the most-viewed properties are as luxurious as Summerhill. Ballard is a diminutive cottage in Donegal with one bedroom and one bathroom. The property is move-in ready, so you’d have a delightful country retreat for a steal. 

Ballard was renovated in 2008, with a new roof, windows and wiring, and the sale of the property also includes the contents, fittings and appliances. The cottage has an solid fuel stole in addition to oil central heating, a power shower, and modern kitchen amenities.  

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Roundwood, Co Wicklow – €28,000,000

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Luggala is an exclusive and expansive estate in the Wicklow’s Irish Valley. In addition to 5,000 acres, there are seven bedrooms within the main house, which counts over 7,000 square feet, four within the guest lodge and a further 16 bedrooms comprised within seven estate lodges and cottages throughout the property.

Luggala has now been sold, and we’ll all commence wondering who has now moved in to one of the most stunning properties in the country. 

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Dalkey, Co Dublin – €5,250,000

Another south Dublin residence, Rockview has views that rival any around the country from a more modern vantage point than the others on this list. The property has direct shoreline access as well, so there will be nothing impeding that view – or your ability to jump into the sea should the need arise. 

There are two reception rooms, a bespoke kitchen/breakfast area, and a study with a bedroom en suite. On the first floor are three double bedrooms, and at garden level, there is a superb family room and the fourth bedroom which is also en suite with walk in wardrobe. There is an abundance of storage areas to include a laundry room, walk in airing cupboard, dry room and pantry.

ODAyZmI0MzM3NGRmNTFhMDliYjEyOTU5OTE1NzI4NDns_ZIruBm4uFY71cXaMyxKaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvZC82L2Q2OGE2YWQ5MzM1ZWQxNTRmNTE2YjIyYzk1ODY4MjQzLmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8 Daft Daft

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More: Sunrise swim? Wicklow manor with a private lake and 14 acres for €2.25m

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